How to quickly cure nail fungus on your feet: an effective means

Nail fungus on their toes – this is a disease that carries an infectious origin. On its creation has the effect of disease-causing organisms that carry the name of the epidermofitia. Become infected with mold can both men and women, taking them completely at any age. To understand the presence of fungal diseases can be to phenomena such as itching, redness, change in the structure of the nail. Quickly cure a disease, it is quite difficult, but very real in home conditions.

treatment of nail fungus

Effective drugs

For quick treatment of fungus on the toes of the feet it is possible to use anti-fungal medications. Their action is directed at eliminating the infection not only on the sections of its external manifestations, and in all tissues.

The composition of the products contains special components that block the development of mycosis, remove the mold and activates the process of regeneration of healthy tissue.

Folk methods

As a complement to retroviral treatment can be used folk remedies. Of course, that it is not a panacea, but simple recipes are able to very quickly relieve a person from unpleasant symptoms, and can.


Alcohol solution of iodine has an antiseptic and disinfecting effect. This has a direct impact on the fungi, eliminating it. To apply such a remedy is permitted only in the absence of allergic reactions.

It is necessary to take 5% iodine solution applied to the damaged nail. Do this procedure 2 times a day. Also iodine is worth it to handle healthy nails as prevention. Duration of treatment is 20-30 days.


This product is actively used for the treatment of fungus on the toes of the feet. The most popular treatment running shape of nail fungus folk remedies is the use of alcohol tincture of garlic. To obtain it, it is necessary to take in equal shares, the ratio of alcohol and mash garlic. Add a small amount of water.

Gained mass split in the nail plate. You can use garlic for the preparation of medicinal ointments. For it is worth it to take the same amount of butter and mashed garlic. Apply the ointment on the damaged nails before going to the march for sleep.


For mold removal on the toes of the feet it is possible to make use of vinegar, making his bath. Just before the procedure necessarily stretch the legs. Then into a container, place the 9% vinegar essence and water.

The solution should be warm to omit the legs and hold them there for about 15 minutes. After treatment, the legs wipe with a towel. To make such trays, which you need every day for 2 weeks. The length of treatment depends on the stage of the destruction of nail fungus.

Hydrogen peroxide

hydrogen peroxide against mold and mildew

This product to everyone it is known by its characteristics, which eliminate the inflammation. Fast mold removal using hydrogen peroxide is possible only in an early stage of its development. Use the tool to prepare the solution for a warmer bath.

Into the container pour hot water, put 3% hydrogen peroxide. Omit the legs in the pan and keep there for 15 minutes. After wiping with a towel, not washing water.


If you want to quickly cure the nails on my toes, it is necessary to process the disabled, can the natural nail plate of the juice of celandine. Do this procedure every 6 hours. Even you can prepare the medicinal solution from the celandine. For this to take 1.2 l of boiling water, 1 cup of the leaves of celandine.

Pour the leaves with water and wait for an hour. Use the resulting composition for trays. Perform every 6 hours, and their duration is 15 minutes. The length of treatment depends on what stage of the disease.


For the preparation of effective means against the mold, it is necessary to take a lemon, cut it into thin slices, and then put on the affected nail plate. On top of the lemon can be to tuck a piece of gauze, fasten a compress using a bandage. Perform similar action for a period of 12 days.


This product has a bactericidal, bacteriostatic and fungicidal effect. In his application to manage to relieve the itching, inflammatory process accelerate the process of healing.

For the treatment of mold it is worth to use tampons, impregnated with 20% alcohol tincture of propolis. With regular application of propolis diseased nails fall off, and all the tissue regenerates.

Characteristics of the treatment running with nail fungus on your feet

If you need to get rid of the running infectious, then in dermatology available in several proven ways: operative treatment, the use of laser and medicine

Surgical way

Use a scalpel, can remove the infected nail and partially okupuj soft tissues. In addition, associated drug therapy. Improvement occurs immediately after has grown the new board.

This method is the safest, but painful. After him comes a long period of rehabilitation. Can occur a variety of complications that manifest in the form of damage to the matrix and the formation of scars on the epithelium of the skin sheets.

Surgical alternative ways, as are special chemical products. Can dissolve the affected plate without the use of surgery. The patient is able to remove the infected surface of your own effort.

The use of laser

To carry out such a procedure is necessary in the conditions of the hospital). The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the fact that the disputes are heated to a temperature, which is able to destroy. Using a laser can quickly remove the infection, if done as clotting of the blood vessels. The positive effect can be obtained already after 4 visit to the specialist. Duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. To carry out 1 times per month.

Before performing the manipulation of the nails cut and treated with a solution against fungal infections. After the laser treatment it is not possible to experience complications. The only disadvantage of such therapy is the high price.

pills against mold and mildew


The most popular way – is to use drug funds. In this case, you will need to use at the same time systemic and local medications. Prescribe the necessary medicines, is only capable doctor.

Nail fungus on your feet, you can quickly cure only, provided that therapy was started directly in the first stage of its development. If the infection for a long time, hit a nail, then to cope with such a problem more complicated. But there's no point to get upset, because i launched the pack the mold – this is the verdict, only treatment time nail fungus will take longer.